Leighanna and Shawn: Preview!

Happy Friday everyone! Since I am trying to be a better blogger and post something every day, I wanted to show you a preview of what I've been working on this morning... Leighanna and Shawn's wedding.

I love these two shots: the first by Brad during the ceremony (again hiding in the choir loft with the 200mm) and the second by me during their first dance. Gotta love that backlighting!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. We are photographing a wedding on Saturday and then heading to the STEELERS game on Sunday! Woot!



2 leave a comment!:

Anonymous said...

i thought i would take a look and see if you had anything up... these 2 are great and i'm so excited to see the rest. leighanna

Milla said...

Yaaay!! Welcome back!! I'm glad you like them... hope you guys enjoyed the slideshow too. Talk to you soon!