Steelers Day!

This morning at 8:47am, Turk jumped into our bed, sniffed my face, turned 2 circles on top of me, and then settled in for a Sunday morning nap. Usually I wake up enough to push him to the middle of the bed and go back to sleep for a few minutes. However, this morning I didn't. I woke up and thought "STEELERS DAY!"

Our sweet friends gave us tickets to the Steelers/Vikings game today at 1:00, and we actually have the entire day off to soak it in. We made eggs and bacon for breakfast, and now we're putting on our gold and black and heading downtown to enjoy the day. It's 46 degrees and SUNNY, and we couldn't be more excited.

So, my photo of the day: our pre-game food. Let's go Pittsburgh!!


2 leave a comment!:

Scott said...

I watched this game yesterday. It looked like a fun one to go to. Especially if you were a Steelers fan. I bet yall had fun.

Do people say "yall" there?

Milla said...

Haha... no, actually. But, Pittsburgh has it's own "yall" - it's "yinz"

Weird huh? I still say Yall. No shame.